Phone 562-743-7207
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm

Eco friendly

Our commitment to a “Greener” and Healthier Environment

Every Business is in the Forest Business.

More than six billion people rely on trees and plants to build houses, produce paper, make furniture and stay warm. Therefore, the pressures on the world's forests are staggering - and every company has a stake in the forest industry, especially those using paper – printers, designers, ad agencies, corporate marketers. As an industry leader, CDW is a "green" leader...providing eco-friendly solutions and cleaner, cost-effective print and packaging designs to help in the business of keeping our forests and environment healthy.

Sustainable Forestry, Certification and How It Helps.

A well-managed sustainable forest conserves all of our natural resources from trees to wildlife to the soil, air and our water. Central to ensuring this process is independent third-party certification, which assures consumers that the wood products they purchase come from responsibly managed forests, where biodiversity is conserved and local communities are supported.

Certification offers a "chain of custody" - a credible system that can track the paper all the way back to the forest stump, so that you can be sure that the products you are choosing are consistently eco-friendly and contribute to the promotion of a cleaner, greener environment. CDW is a participant in several certification programs to ensure that many of the products and service offered rely only on certified well-managed forests. In particular, CDW is a participant in SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) program to guarantee that your finished goods are made from only certified source materials (certified materials available upon request).

Fully Committed to Excellence and Our Environment.

The major utility of single use plastics is as packaging. Furthermore, inks, films and coatings often make both paper and plastic packaging more difficult to recycle. CDW has made a strong commitment not only to excellence in service, but also to the promotion of a greener, healthier environment. CDW works to decrease the "carbon footprint" amplified by the use of everyday packaging and printed materials by utilizing source materials that are both eco-friendly, as well as cost-effective.

CDW employs the use of environmentally friendly materials such as soy inks and water based coatings, helping to make printed materials and packaging more easily recyclable. In addition, we utilize EPI packaging additives that make plastic degradable, allowing our packaging to be safer for landfills and disposal destinations. Over the long term, this offsets carbons and helps to decrease the environmental impact of using plastic packaging.